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Transnational logistics giants dialogue: "one belt and one road" initiative brings new imp

Date:2019-05-17   Author:Sevigny   Clicks:3171
Guide reading:The Chongqing Summit of ASIA300 Global Business Forum was held in Chongqing on 16th. The two transnational logistics giants dialogue between pls and Japan, analyze the new economic development impetus brought by the one belt and one road in......
The Chongqing Summit of ASIA300 Global Business Forum was held in Chongqing on 16th. The two transnational logistics giants dialogue between pls and Japan, analyze the new economic development impetus brought by the "one belt and one road" initiative from the logistics field.
Gao Anbei, senior vice president of Provence, said that the initiative of "one belt and one road" has great significance for China and even for global development, especially for Chongqing, a municipality with a population of about 30000000. At the same time, China's continuous development will put forward more demands for Pross, such as Chongqing's need for port and wharf economic development.
She said she strongly supported the "one belt and one way" construction because it believed that "one belt and one road" construction would promote global economic development. Pross has set up a $4 billion fund to provide professional logistics services to European customers. This is borrowed from the financing mechanism of "one belt and one road" construction and gets financial support. Under the fund, Pross extended the multi-storey warehouse technology to London, UK. This is an example of "one belt and one road" construction to promote economic development. Pross also hopes to develop inland from China's coastal areas, transfer new technologies to Chongqing and its surrounding areas, and build more warehousing bases in Chongqing.
Zhang Zhengrong, executive director of Japan's new China, pointed out that some Japanese enterprises have changed their previous wait-and-see attitude and are now very concerned about the construction of "one belt and one road". As a logistics company in Japan, Japan has many services related to the construction of "one belt and one road", such as the "China Europe Express" between China and Europe, railway multimodal transport in China and Central Asia and so on.

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